NOTICE – The FCCQ Avanti is currently on hold until the role of editor can be filled within the committee. We are urgently looking for members to come onboard and help with the important committee role. Please contact the committee if you can help!
Fiat Avanti is the official magazine of the FCCQ, and is published quarterly (February, May, August, and November). Content includes editorial comments, reports from various committee members, details of past and present events, reprints of current and historical articles of interest to Fiat enthusiasts, classified advertisments and other occasional features.
The magazine is free to financial members. As many of our members are country based, this is their main contact with the club, and the Editor strives to make it as interesting and informative for them as possible.
The magazine has come a long way since its inception as a two page newsletter in 1964. By the Seventies it was A5 size and around 24 pages, by the eighties had grown to 12 to 14 A4 pages and has continued to grow ever since to its current format of 20 pages A4.
Contributions from members (and others!) are always most welcome, and add diversity and interest to the magazine. If you would like to contribute, please contact the Editor at editor [at]