Motorsport activities have always been an integral part of the club’s activities, with a core of enthusiasts always keen to compete both within our club and in interclub events.
The current calendar includes Motorkhanas, Autocross and Night Navigation Runs. For insurance and liability reasons these events are run under the control and rules of CAMS (The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) and all competitors must hold the appropriate CAMS competition licence and necessary insurance extensions. The club also fields a team at the annual Interstate Motorkhana Challenge at Dubbo for the Fiat of Italy Cup.
Many members also compete individually in various events with their Fiats (and other vehicles). While these events are not part of our official calendar these members do much to promote Fiat by making a presence at these events.
In the early days of the club many members took part in mainstream motor racing and rally events. These days historic racing and sprint events are the most popular, and it is not uncommon to see a number of members and their Fiats competing at every event.